The Royal Order of July 17, 1836, extended to Ultramar (the Spanish Colonies) the system of stamp taxes on Documentos de Giro (documents for Circulation of Money), which was first,  created for peninsular Spain by the Decree of the Cortes of November 6, 1820, and was subsequently amended by the Royal Decree of May 26, 1835.  The Royal Order of July 17, 1856, prescribed that the Royal Decree of May 26, 1835, should be the basic law governing the use of stamped paper for Documentos de Giro in the Spanish Colonies, but provided that the tariff of stamp taxes on Documentos de Giro should, for the Colonies, be expressed in terms of reales de plata   (silver reals) instead of reales de vellon and that the stamped Documentos de Giro should be valid for ten years instead of for a biennial period. [43]

The Royal Decree of May 26, 1835, but with the tariff of Article 5 expressed in reales de plata as prescribed by the Royal Order of July 17, 1836, is as follows: 

“Article 1:  The graduated tax of the stamp on documents which are issued for the circulation of money’, will devolve in the future:

1st. On the bills of exchange (letras de cambio)
2nd. On the warrants payable to order (libranzas  la orden)
3rd On the promissory notes (pagares); and, 
4th. On the letters of credit for a fixed sum (cartas ordenes de credito porcantidad fija).

The polizas de Bolsa [44] will not, for the present, be subject to the fee of the stamp; but if they should be presented in judgment, the sheet of stamped paper corresponding to the amount, which they express, will accompany them.

Article 2:  (The stamped paper for) the documents of the four kinds refereed to which are drawn, either for the interior or for abroad, will be facilitated (i.e., sold) for account of the State only, in the proper form (such) that the stamped paper, and all in the same manner as this, will bear the customary stamps (sellos) or seals (timbres).

Article 3:  They will not circulate except in the form already indicated; since of that (which is) contrary, in addition to losing its force, the violators will be subject to the penalties, which will be determined.

Article 4: The cited documents, stamped for the circulation of money, will be sold, printed, and in blank, according to the toner of the attached models numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 (and) one of the other must be used from the present moment; but the persons who may wish to use their own plates with mercantile emblems or other countersigns which they use, may purchase in blank the copies which they need, and make the impression afterward,      provided that the stamps do not suffer any deterioration.

Article 5:  The classes and prices of these same documents will be proportionate to the amounts, which are drawn on them, in this form:

Classes Amount Drawn (reales de plata) Prices (reales de plata)
1st Up to 2,000  1-1/2
2nd From  2,001 to  5,000 3
3rd From 5,000 to  10,000 6
4th From 10,001  to  20,000 12
5th From 20,001 to  30,000 18
6th From 30,001 to  40,000 24
7th From 40,001 to  50,000  30
8th From 50,001 to  60,000 36
9th From 60,001 to  70,000 42
10th From 70,001 to  30,000 46
11th From  80,001 to  90,000  54
12th From 90,001 to  100,000 60
And from here onward (en adelante)

Article 6: In none of the expressed documents may larger amounts be drawn than which is   assigned to the same.

Article 7: For the giro (draft) of each sum there will not be delivered more than one sheet in the Administration or  “estancas” [45] where they are sold even though it is in duplicate or in triplicate.

Article 8: The letters or documents which are made useless by inadvertency of the persons who may have to satisfy them, may be returned to the Administrations or “estancas” where they may have been purchased, there being delivered to these who present them, others of the proper class.

Article 9: The same documents which, drawn abroad, have to be presented for their realization at any point of the Kingdom, will not produce obligation nor any other effect, if they are not accompanied by a stamped and sealed sheet of the class corresponding to the amount drawn, on which will be entered the acceptances, crossing out that (which is) not  acceptable to this object.